So very thankful for my sweet Florentine girls and the fun weekend we had together!

And Lil Miss was growing up too fast!
Watching the tomatoes grow...

Happy 16 months Nellie!
1st dentist appointment

Everything was going well until the light came out and then it was "No sun! No sun!" and no major cleaning done.
Fun playgroup outing to the zoo!
Natalie is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to my bows!
Everyday after breakfast and throughout the day Cal asks if we can go to the "Sciner Cener." We were thrilled to have my sister, brother-in-law and niece in town to share it with.
Here's part of the gang busy at play with choking hazards...
A little shark attack with Nonno...
And what better way to end the day than with some Chill?
On to the 4th!
We indulged Cal's obsession with airplanes by taking him to the air show by the Arch. The child did not take his hands off his ears and he LOVED every minute of it!
Natalie and I were a little more distractible, but it's amazing how much I love airplanes now that little man does!
Big afternoon with no nap amounts to a quiet car ride home!
Off to Meemaw and Mac's for dinner and fireworks!

My big boy holding a sparkler!

Nellie girl practicing with a bubble wand.

Cessi was not a huge fan of the fireworks.
During my sister's stay I got a quick visit with my dear friend from high school and her husband and sweet baby. So fun and can't wait for their next visit!
The last hour together is always the sweetest!
We miss you Price family!