The Safety Seal has actually made swimming with two toddlers fun!

Last time I send Travis on a mission to get our daughter sunglasses. Returned :)

Cal fighting crime at the playground with his shooting gun stick.

Love that my Nellie girl can't go to the playground without her pearls!

This may be my favorite moment alone with Natalie. We were shoe shopping for me, but not in Natalie's eyes. The second I got her close enough to the boxes, Nellie ripped off her own shoes and started trying on whatever was in her reach. What was I to do but get out my camera and enjoy her delight?!
Can't seem to leave guns and shoes. We always have to stop by this shoe sculpture on our way home from the playground. Natalie is of course enthralled by the "SHOOOOES!" Calvin is convinced it's one big shooting gun made up of little shooting guns.

As soon as it dropped below 90, we were at the zoo for their summer concerts. Always a treat!
My two shopping buddies at Schnucks patiently waiting on Mama to get them their free cookie.
Fun morning at the Transport Museum with friends!
Don't worry Meemaw!
More fun with Sammy and Grace at Powder Valley. A new favorite!
Yay for another Price visit! Upon their arrival we headed straight for the Magic House.
Natalie was pleased to finally be able to reach the water guns!

Next on the agenda was a date with the hippos at the zoo.
Happy Birthday Cessi!
Princess Aunt Ari (that's what she calls me :) )
So fun to have Aunt "Tistina" and Cessi in town!

Giddyup girl!
Sewing machine case magically transformed into a rocket!
Daddy and Natalie appease Cal's sticker fun.
Thanks for the snake, Uncle Joe!
Cal's 2nd (I know) Day of School!
These are the best pictures I got. Cal refused to make a normal face. Thankfully, he absolutely LOVES school!
One last summer concert at the zoo.
A visit with our favorite jaguar
And a butterfly and airplane balloon to end the night!