Sweet Nellie girl...

Another weekend- another nap with Dada...
Cal's 2nd Easter egg hunt of the season was with his nursery friends. He found the ducks a little more interesting than the eggs!
Cal's 3rd Easter egg hunt was with the neighborhood kids.
Cal knows just what to do when he gets to Meemaw and Mac's. Ask Meemaw for some berries!
Family portraits before both kids leaked on their Easter outfits and I had to put Natalie in a newborn sized outfit that no longer fit and Cal in sagging sweatpants with no shirt. When will my diaper bag every be well stocked?
Calvin's 1st time dying Easter eggs- he LOVED it!
With the whole family together, part of Easter was spent celebrating Travis's birthday. Calvin got to help Daddy blow out his birthday candle. In typical toddler fashion he sprayed the entire cake with spit.
Final Easter egg hunt was at Meemaw and Mac's. By this one, Cal is an expert. Though he didn't seem to catch on to Meemaw re-hiding all of the eggs he had put in his basket.
Cal and Dada enjoying their first of many meals outside this year!

Cal's first time holding Sissy

Meemaw and Nellie time
1 comment:
Nellie- I love it and her too. Lois wants her to come over an play as soon as she can crawl (I don't know- that was her stipulation). As for Cal- he's getting me pumped about toddlerhood.
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