We've had three major holidays since the last posting. Life's been busy! See below to find out what we've been up to...

Cal and Meemaw getting ready for Thanksgiving with some turkey cookies.
Calvin very enamored by Mac's story telling
This Thanksgiving we were thankful to get a visit from the Moores!

Cal was recently introduced to lollipops at the grocery store by the checker and I have not had a day since without the child asking me, "Pease Mommy 'nother lolli pease?"
Cal checking out the ducks while the ladies pose for a picture
Natalie playing peekaboo with Aunt Lera

My son's latest and greatest face
Family portrait with the sheep

With Thanksgiving behind us, we quickly moved on to Christmas. Here's Calvin sorting through all of his daddy's childhood ornaments. I'm pretty sure half of them needed repair before they were able to get on the tree.
Cal showing off the airplane ornament he got last year.
We love our pictures by the tree...

Calvin on his best behavior at his grandparents' hotel.
Our absolute favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas at Fontbonne.
Here we are with all of the manger animals.
Natalie and Travis riding the choo choo (Calvin was much too busy to stop and pose)

Cal winning lots of prizes with his mad throwing skills

No Christmas season complete without Cookies and Carols at the Art Museum
Sweet little Nellie girl turned 9 months this December.
Headbands don't last long with this one.
Big brother realizing he's not in the picture...
Natalie surrendering... I will say, she's learning to bat him in the face when he annoys her.
While the three of us don't enjoy Travis's extensive travel schedule, there are some perks- free airline tickets! We took advantage of a couple of them while Travis was at home slaving away at work and we went to Captiva to enjoy my aunt's timeshare.

Natalie perplexed by Captiva's Christmas trees.
Felt a little like we were having Christmas in July
Oh, I love Florida!

Best part of the trip (despite my son's behavior) was seeing my sister and precious niece!
I mean, how can you not just love Florida?!?!
Meemaw with her little ladies

Poor Cal was the lone "gentleman"
This girl LOVES the water! Just seeing the ocean made her squeal.
Cool Cal driving the Christmas cart
Look past Natalie in this one and you'll see little Frannie passed out in her plate of pancakes.
Proud to say I successfully conquered the flight SOLO con bambini (despite leaving Natalie alone with a complete stranger on the plane for 10 MINUTES while I took Cal to the bathroom!!!)
Back in St. Louis, we got right to work on Christmas activities. Here's Cal creating his 1st Gingerbread House.
Thank you again to Stan, AJ, Lera and Jane for helping us "finish" our basement! Not only was it fun to put to use while the Prices were in town, but we were certainly comfortable and entertained during our latest tornado siren.

Christmas Party at the Magic House

Absolutely love babies and mirrors!

Nellie's not quite ready for the water table...
Lots of fun at Meemaw and Mac's for bath time!

Christmas Eve this year = me + stomach flu
At least I was the only one at our house.

Both children were entertained by this fruit and vegetable set for the better part of an hour.
Calvin showing off his new Thomas toothbrush before heading out to the snow.
By far, the best gift we got in 2010!
Christmas Day- only 2 down with the stomach flu...
Baby shower for baby Teddy!
Saying goodbye...
The Three Amigos
That's all folks!
1 comment:
The kids are just beautiful, Ariana! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
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