Saturday, August 25, 2012

Catching up!

Celebrating my big 4-year-old!

 Sillies in full force at dinner with Meemaw & Mac

One of Cal's favorite presents was a guitar from Nonno- love his smile!

Cal also got tickets to see Mary Poppins- this may not have been his favorite present.  We left at intermission and went to City Garden.  Thanks anyway, Meemaw!  Maybe next year...

Lovely Easter

 Lil Miss entertaining me while we wait for big bro at his swim lessons.  Thanks for the lessons, Nana & Gramps!

We love our visits from Aunt Cristina and Cessi!  Here we are at the Science Center. 

 Followed by a little ice cream in the Central West End

Sweet, sweet, sweet

Natalie beating the heat with the sprayground at Forest Park!

 My first smocking project!  Thanks for teaching us, Michelle!

 Of course I had to document my cute baby girl's first pigtails!

 Too much fun in the 100+ degree weather

 Pretending to be in the market for an airplane: I don't think we fooled anyone!


 Lots of fun to be had while shopping for a mattress with a 2 and 4-year-old!

 Summer's first trip to the pool!  It took a lot to reverse Nellie's first exposure to the cold temps.  Cal, on the other hand, was anxious to show us his new skills.

1st outing to the Butterfly House

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome Jedidiah Paul

Jed is finally here!  I went in for my 40 week doctor's visit, but was sent straight to the delivery floor to be induced after Jed did not pass a non-stress test.  Four hours later, we were greeted by this wonderful, healthy precious gift.  Our hearts are overflowing! 

 Here he is weighing in at 7 1/2 pounds and 19 1/2"- our littlest one :)

We absolutely couldn't wait to introduce him to the kids.  They were elated and have not stopped loving on him.  No jealousy here!  They are so proud and thankful for their little brother.

Nana getting her first look

Sweet time with Daddy in the hospital 

 Precious little boy looks just like his big brother

Cal had enough of us being at the hospital and insisted on assisting Travis bring us home.

Home on the 4th of July and ready to be held!

Proud of their newest grandbaby!

More pictures of Jed, Cal's birthday and how we've been spending summer to come...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthday Girl

Happy 2nd Birthday, Natalie Kay!

My big two-year-old started the day by ripping into all of her presents.

Next on the agenda was a fun morning celebrating with our playgroup friends

 followed by a visit from Nonno.

 We ended the day with a dinner with Meemaw and Mac.

So overwhelmingly blessed to have this little girl in our lives!

Had to document my children's 1st batter licking experience; Cal kept calling it ice cream

Here's my little chef cutting up some swiss chard and mushrooms for dinner.  I've been offending him for three years every time I put those vegetables on his plate, but a little peer pressure at school during a "make soup project" and now he reminds me to buy spinach and mushrooms when I go to the store!

I think you got it all, Nellie girl!

Checking out the new Creation Station 

Babies in the bellies!

 Annual Playgroup Easter Egg Hunt

Spring at the Gardens