Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome Jedidiah Paul

Jed is finally here!  I went in for my 40 week doctor's visit, but was sent straight to the delivery floor to be induced after Jed did not pass a non-stress test.  Four hours later, we were greeted by this wonderful, healthy precious gift.  Our hearts are overflowing! 

 Here he is weighing in at 7 1/2 pounds and 19 1/2"- our littlest one :)

We absolutely couldn't wait to introduce him to the kids.  They were elated and have not stopped loving on him.  No jealousy here!  They are so proud and thankful for their little brother.

Nana getting her first look

Sweet time with Daddy in the hospital 

 Precious little boy looks just like his big brother

Cal had enough of us being at the hospital and insisted on assisting Travis bring us home.

Home on the 4th of July and ready to be held!

Proud of their newest grandbaby!

More pictures of Jed, Cal's birthday and how we've been spending summer to come...

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