Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Getaways...

We finally made it to Seattle! Here we are Easter morning enjoying good company!

Natalie finally gets to meet Aunt Anna!

Gramcracker and Nellie catching up on some reading

Calvin was so proud of the lamb blanket he found in his Easter basket.

And Natalie was absolutely engrossed in the Easter eggs.

Lil Miss with her "Ba"- for the past seven months or so, this frog has faithfully been in Natalie's grip for every nap and trial.

Nana getting some extra help with dinner!

Here's the gang in Huntington Beach, CA

Don't get too close, Cal!

This is Calvin dry

And here he is wet, naked and cold. Don't judge.

While Travis was in meetings all day, the kids and I played! Here we are at Downtown Disney's Legoland

C & N getting a closer look at Woody

We also got the sweet privilege of spending time with my dear college friend. Of course there are no pictures of me and Tina, but this one of her daughter, Gioia drinking with Natalie is especially cute.

Lucky ducks playing at San Clemente

And here we are digging in Laguna

Tina and I agreed this picture is a must for their wedding slideshow!

Back at the hotel, having exhausted all of the toys, banging on the window was the prime source of entertainment.

Travis couldn't take it any longer what with our hotel room overlooking Disneyland. After his conference, he snagged some discounted tickets and literally dragged three very tired Moores (none of whom had napped!) to the happiest place on earth.

Fighting crime with Buzz Lightyear

While in Southern California, we couldn't resist driving up the coast to visit old friends and mark our favorite spots. Here's Nellie enjoying a scone (or "skunk" if you're Calvin) outside Malibu Kitchen, my favorite college breakfast spot.

While in Malibu, we swung by the Adamson House to show the kids where Daddy proposed to Mommy.

Calvin was more interested in the "hot pools"

Natalie was pretty absorbed in her new ability to walk

Here's the spot!

And here we are more than six years later!

Thank you sweet Philen family for the wonderful stay! We miss all you Californians!


Luma said...

Ariana, you all look so beautiful. We may be taking another business trip back east this summer, if we do, we may stop by and say "hey" on the way out there. I would love for you guys to meet Conrad Jack, our fifth and last. :-)

Ariana said...

Luma, we'd love to see you all and meet baby Conrad! Hope you all are well!

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the pic of Cal wet. :) Looks like you all had a good time! (Laguna Beach is where Christian and I were married if that is where you went.)